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Fingal Bleeper Bikes

Fingal Shared Bikes

Bleeper operates a fleet of shared pedal bikes across Fingal County Council which can be hired by the public using the Bleeper smartphone app.

The shared bikes can be hired from, and returned to, dedicated parking zones which are highlighted on the map in the Bleeper app

Residents of Fingal get the first 30 minutes of every Bleeper trip for free, thanks to the support of Fingal County Council. Apply for the Fingal Pass here:

Fingal Pass Application Form

Bleeper Operating Zones

Bleeper bikes can be hired from, and returned to, the zones that are highlighted on the map in the Bleeper app.

These parking zones correlate with the locations of public cycle parking stands and amenities such as public transport stops, community facilities, and local shops.

Please note that you can only 'End' a Bleeper trip when the bike is inside a parking zone. If you are outside the parking zone you may use the 'Pause' function to lock the bike temporarily.

Free 30 Minutes

People who live in Fingal can apply for a special pass, the Fingal Pass, which gives them the first 30 minutes of every Bleeper trip for free. (Pedal bikes only: This doesn't apply to Bleeper e-bikes or cargo bikes.)

Follow the steps below to apply for the Fingal Pass:

1. Get The Bleeper App
If you aren't already a Bleeper customer, you should download the Bleeper app, and then set up an account within the app.

2. Complete the Application Form
Follow this link and complete the online form to apply for the Fingal Pass. Proof of address is required.

3. Check Your Email
Bleeper will send you an email within one working day to confirm your application, along with instructions for how to activate the Fingal Pass.

4. Select the Fingal Pass
Go to the Wallet in the menu of the Bleeper app and select Fingal Pass as your payment method. You now get the first 30 minutes of every Bleeper trip for free.

Fingal Pass Application Form


Fingal Pass
With the special Fingal Pass (for residents of Fingal only) the first 30 minutes of every Bleeper pedal bike trip is free.*

After 30 minutes you will be charged the standard rental fee of €0.04 per minute and €0.02 per minute while a trip is paused.

*Please note that you must have a minimum of €2 credit in your wallet to begin a trip - even to avail of the free 30 minutes with the Fingal Pass.

*The Fingal Pass only applies to Bleeper's pedal bike service: Bleeper e-bikes and cargo bikes are charged at their normal rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take a bike outside Fingal?

Yes, you may travel outside Fingal, or between different areas within Fingal, but you can only end a trip inside a Bleeper parking zone. You can end a trip in any Bleeper zone across Dublin, including the areas of Dublin City and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown where Bleeper operates. You can also start a trip from those areas and finish it in Fingal.

Can I end a trip outside a parking zone?

No, you can only end a trip when the bike is inside a parking zone. The parking zones are displayed on the map in the Bleeper app. You can pause a trip to temporarily lock a bike when outside a parking zone.

Can I lock the bike when I'm outside a parking zone?

Yes, you can temporarily lock the bike when outside a parking zone by using the pause and unpause button in the Bleeper app to lock/unlock the bike. Close the wheel lock and tap 'Pause Trip' in the Bleeper app. You will continue to be charged while the trip is paused, but at half the normal fee (€0.02 instead of €0.04 per minute). Please note that you can only end a trip inside a parking zone.

How do I end a journey?

  1. First, park the bike at a public cycle parking stand within a Bleeper parking zone. These zones are displayed on the map in the Bleeper app.
  2. Wrap the chain around the parking stand and then close the wheel lock through the loop at the end of the chain.
  3. Tap 'End Trip' in the Bleeper app.
  4. You will be prompted to take a photo of the bike, which Bleeper checks to ensure the bike is properly parked.

For help, contact our Customer Care team

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