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Irish Independent Interviews Bleeper CEO on Private Bike Share Schemes

As workers return to the office, more companies are considering how their  employees travel. Bleeper ‘My Private Scheme’ provides bike sharing solutions to corporate, hotels, residential developments, business parks, state bodies and any other entity where the client requires a private bike share scheme.

Irish Independent Interviews Bleeper CEO on Private Bike Share Schemes

This week, Irish Independent journalist Jonathan Keane interviewed Bleeper CEO Hugh Cooney on the future of bike sharing in Ireland.

‘’The bike sharing space is a competitive space and there’s a lot of companies talking about launching scooters,’’ Hugh is quoted, ‘’and the reality is they’re only doing that in the hope they then get scooter licences when they come to market next year. The e-bike is the new Trojan horse in companies trying to get scooter licences.’’

Irish Independent Interviews Bleeper CEO on Private Bike Share Schemes

Legislation to permit e-scooter sharing in Ireland has been delayed to 2023.

Bleeper has been a pioneer in Ireland’s bike-sharing industry, with private scheme bikes deployed at University College Dublin, Sport Ireland and Trinity Halls, among other locations.