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LeaseBike Celebrates Six Months


Our LeaseBike long-term bike hire service has been running for over six months now so we thought we'd share some insights on the people who are using the service and the type of bikes they're leasing from us.

The most popular bike type by far is the standard electric bike with a 79% share, while the folding e-bike has a solid 15%.

The longtail cargo bike accounts for 6% of customers, but we only launched that bike option in September so it has some ground to make up on the others.


LeaseBike Celebrates Six Months

Overall we're very happy with the uptake in the service and the variety of people who are using LeaseBike. The male to female split of 56% : 44% is quite positive compared to the general breakdown of cyclists which is somewhere between 2:1 and 3:1 of male to female in Ireland.

For more information about LeaseBike, visit the webpage here: